Zombie Pigman Mod for Minecraft PE

Download Zombie Pigman Mod for Minecraft Bedrock Edition: return the former inhabitants to the cubic world and try to resist them and protect your valuables.
Zombie Pigman Mod for Minecraft Bedrock: They are coming back
Developers are constantly optimizing the gameplay, adding new features, locations, and creatures. Such changes are usually studied with great interest by users because it is always interesting to try something new and unusual.
But modernization is not always liked by all players, and after the release of the version with the update of the Nether, many of them were extremely dissatisfied. The thing is that some of the inhabitants of this dimension have disappeared from the game.
And it turned out that there were many fans among the users. The creators of Zombie Pigman Mod came to the rescue, who will return their favorite mobs to the playing field. Now in Minecraft PE, you can try your hand at fighting these unusual creatures again.
Thanks to the efforts of the creators of Zombie Pigman Mod, a new spawn egg will appear in the Inventory of the Creative Mode. With its help, you can summon familiar creatures to everyone. They look like both humans and zombies at the same time and also have some resemblance to pigs.
Both adults and cubs will spawn, which will chase the hero throughout the territory of Minecraft Bedrock and even underwater. This is a great opportunity to return familiar characters to the gameplay and continue interacting with them.
Main Features
It is worth noting that the return of mobs to Zombie Pigman Mod does not change their standard behavior model in any way. That is, as usual, they will mostly move in groups and try to take away all valuable resources from the player.
In particular, these creatures love everything that contains diamonds. By the way, the zombie piglins that replaced them in Minecraft PE will not disappear and will also pose a danger to the heroes who will go to explore the Nether.
How to turn a zombie villager into a villager in Minecraft PE?
To do this, you will need a weakness potion and a golden apple.
What do zombie horses eat in Minecraft PE?
They eat sugar, wheat and red apples.
How to cure a zombie villager in Minecraft PE?
To cure him, you should hang a debuff of weakness on him with the help of an appropriate potion.